The Presbyterian Church of Queensland in Receivership:
A call to pray, to support, and to be found faithful
Last week, the legal entity that holds all of the assets and accounts for the liabilities of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland was placed into receivership. News of that fact has saddened all who care for this branch of God’s church, and many wise and encouraging words have been uttered in response.
- “Pray without ceasing,” is the injunction in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, and we should feel especially impelled to do so in times of trouble.
- Supporting fellow believers is also enjoined (Gal.6:2).
Yet perhaps God is teaching us all that it is his Holy Spirit who brings about additions to the kingdom of God. Christ spoke with directness: “I will build My church” (Matt.16:18). Paul later affirmed that while he planted and Apollos watered, “God gave the growth” (1 Cor.3:6). God does not need us or our assets. We need Him. As He gives and takes away, the growth of His kingdom continues. Charles Spurgeon was once lifted out of a deep depression by pondering on the fact that Christ was exalted and His victory certain, whether Spurgeon preached another sermon or not. In a sense, this simplifies things for us all.
As we live before God and the world, “having nothing, yet possessing everything” (2 Cor.6:10), it is our duty and our joy to be found faithful, regardless of our circumstances (1 Cor.4:2).
Please join in concerted prayer for God’s peace to be experienced by brothers and sisters in the Presbyterian Church of Queensland, and for God’s will to be known and done in and through them.
With all best wishes and kind regards in Christ,
Peter Barnes
Rev. Dr Peter Barnes
Presbyterian Church of Australia