This upcoming Sunday, Rev. Kevin Murray, director of Australian Presbyterian World Mission (APWM) and former minister of St. Giles Presbyterian, Hurstville will be visiting us in the morning service, followed by morning tea and mission presentation.
APWM has missionaries in many parts of the world — across Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America, the Pacific and Australia. Serving in various areas such as:
- Aid and refugee work
- Audio recording and distribution of the Bible
- Bible translation
- Church planting
- Congregational leadership
- English as a Second Language teaching
- Evangelism
- IT support
- Mission aviation
- Primary/secondary education
- Short term mission trips
- Theological education
- Training Australian indigenous leaders
- University lecturing
… and many other areas.
If you would like to know more about the work of Australian Presbyterian World Mission or perhaps support them financially, please visit their website at