“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23, ESV)

ACE, 2014 Session 3 – Who is the Holy Spirit?

For the next ACE session, we will focus our study on the third person and often forgotten of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit.

We will be watching a twelve-lesson series called “Who is the Holy Spirit?” published by Ligonier Ministries, presented by Dr. Sinclair Ferguson.  In this series, Dr. Ferguson traces the work of the third person of the Trinity through Scripture – from creation to the work of Christ to His dwelling in our hearts today. Along the way, he sheds light on the vital role the Holy Spirit serves. Dr. Ferguson’s goal is to help us know the Holy Spirit as a person, in addition to knowing of His power and work within us.

You can watch the first lesson here:

Download:  Study Guide (PDF)